FireSmart Program
About FireSmart

FireSmart is a national program that is focused on reducing property loss and damage due to wildfire. Wildfire is a natural phenomenon that has the potential to be very destructive. Research has shown that properties and neighborhoods who prepare in advance of a wildfire have a much greater success of reducing loss.
A number of resources are available to residents free of charge. A rebate program of up to $500 may be available to you. Seniors and other vulnerable residents may also qualify for a grant to have FireSmart mitigation work completed for them at no cost.
All residents are eligible for a free FireSmart Property Assessment by one of our trained fire professionals.
The District is able to provide these services thanks to provincial grants offered through the Community Resiliency Investment Program for FireSmart Community Funding & Supports. A grant of $173,817 was approved for 2023-2024.
FireSmart Coordinator
Travis Lansing | Email: |
FireSmart Videos
It’s Time To Get FireSmart About Wildfires In BC
The Worst Plan is No Plan
FireSmart Program Contact Form
Please complete this contact form to:
- Register for a free FireSmart Home Assessment.
- Inquire about the opportunity to have mitigation work completed by one of our crews on your property.
- Find out more about the rebate program and other resources.
- Learn more about FireSmart or have a community presentation.