Water Conservation & Restrictions

Water Restrictions

To better manage water demand and ensure sufficient supply during summer months and more severe drought conditions, the District of Sicamous has implemented a bylaw to regulate the rates, terms and conditions under which water from the works of the District may be supplied and used. Periods of prolonged high water usage puts a high degree of strain on treatment and distribution infrastructure, and the District wants to ensure the system maintains sufficient reserves for fire services if required.

Did You Know Sicamous has a Water Regulations Bylaw?

Water Regulations, Rental and Connection Charge Bylaw No. 185, 1995

Stage 1 Water Restrictions are in effect each year from May 1 to September 30.

Automatic Watering (sprinkler or irrigation)
  • Even Numbered Civic Addresses on even-numbered days
  • Odd Numbered Civic Addresses on odd-numbered days
Manual Watering (handheld hose)
  • Any day at any time

Automatic Watering (sprinkler or irrigation)
  • Even Numbered Civic Addresses on Mondays and Thursdays
  • Odd Numbered Civic Addresses on Tuesdays and Fridays
Manual Watering (handheld hose)
  • Any day at any time
Non-essential water use
  • Recommended to avoid

Automatic Watering (sprinkler or irrigation)
  •  Prohibited
Manual Watering (handheld hose)
  • Even Numbered Civic Addresses on Mondays and Thursday
  • Odd Numbered Civic Addresses on Tuesdays and Fridays
Vegetable Gardens/new sod
  • Manual watering only any day or time
Non-essential water use
  • Prohibited except for a health or safety reasons

A person must not use water outdoors for any purpose, except for health and safety reasons.

Water Conservation

In order to ensure sustainable water usage for our community's future, it is important to practice both indoor and outdoor water conservation methods. By conserving water, we can reduce strain on our local water supply, contribute to preserving our environment and minimize utility costs for residents and businesses alike. Let's work together to make every drop count! Learn more about water conservation.

Small adjustments to everyday routines can make a big difference when it comes to conserving water indoors. Try these water saving tips for yourself.

  • Keep a jug of cool water in the fridge, instead of running the tap until it cools
  • Turn off the tap when brushing your teeth or washing dishes
  • Shorten your showers by two minutes
  • Catch bath or shower water for tipping on patio planters
  • Run full loads in the washing machine and dishwasher
  • Install low-flow toilets as they account for a quarter of indoor water use
  • When replacing appliances, choose low-flow, high efficiency options
  • Check twice a year for leaks. See our water leak tips for more information.

Water consumption can double in the summer due to watering lawns/gardens. Try these water saving tips and follow the District of Sicamous water restrictions:

  • Use a non-oscillating sprinkler that uses large water drops
  • Upgrade to automatic sprinkler systems
  • Leave an empty tuna can on your lawn and turn off the sprinkler when the can is full
  • Use a rain barrel to catch rainwater to use on your lawn and garden
  • Sweep or use a bucket of warm water and a soft scrubber to clean the patio and driveway instead of a pressure washer
  • Let your grass grow longer to shade the roots to hold water better