Our Services

District of Sicamous Organization Chart (May 2024).
District of Sicamous Organization Chart (May 2024).

Finance, led by the chief financial officer, is responsible for the financial management and planning of the district, including the preparation of municipal budgets and the collection of taxes or fees necessary to support district services. The finance department is also responsible for managing the district’s insurance portfolio and handling all insurance claims.

Human Resources operates within the finance department and is responsible for payroll, benefit administration, recruitment, training, staff retention, and union relations.

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Corporate Services provides legal and administrative support to District Council, including policy advice and accurate recording of Council decisions to ensure the direction of Council is carried out. Specific duties of the Corporate Officer include: the preparation and execution of agreements, development of bylaws and policies, processing of all inquiries under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, oversight of the District’s record management, and assumption of the position of Chief Election Officer. 

Operating under the umbrella of Corporate Services are the following functions:

Communications strives to improve public engagement and promote District initiatives. The function also supports interdepartmental communication.

Reception provides administrative support to all departments and strives to ensure the public experiences exceptional customer service when engaging with their local government.

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy that balances the right of access to District records with the duty to protection personal information. Submit a request for records or learn more about the District's commitment to privacy here.

Learn more about Council meetings or view agendas and minutes.

The development services department manages the growth and physical form of the district through land use planning, development permitting and building inspection.

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The operations and infrastructure department is responsible for the maintenance and planning of district infrastructure including highways (municipal roads), drainage (storm water), water (storage, treatment and distribution) and sanitary sewer (collection and treatment).  

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The Sicamous Fire Department provides fire protection, prevention, public education and other related services. 

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District of Sicamous Departmental Structure (May 2024)
District of Sicamous Departmental Structure (May 2024)