Attending Meetings

Council and committee meetings are held in council chambers at Municipal Hall. Public participation is welcomed and encouraged. Meetings are open unless for reasons outlined under section 90 of the Community Charter.

Committee of the Whole

Committee of the Whole is comprised of all members of council. Meetings are generally held at 1 p.m. the second and fourth Wednesday of the month. Motions made at committee may only include motions that recommend a motion be adopted by council or direct staff in a manner specified by a resolution.

Meeting ID: 831 0330 3282
Dates:  Community Calendar 
Time:  1 p.m. 
Location:  Council Chambers or ZOOM 
ZOOM Link:
Dial-in: +1 438 809 7799

Meeting Agendas & Minutes

Planning & Development Committee

The Planning & Development Committee is comprised of two Councillors and two community members. During meetings, the committee reviews development proposals to be considered in conjunction with the Official Community Plan. It also provides developers the opportunity to receive initial input on their proposals. The public is welcome to attend in person or electronically via ZOOM. 
Standing Committee Members Appointed by the Mayor: 
  • Councillor Ian Baillie 
  • Councillor Gord Bushell (Chair)
  • Deb Heap 
  • John Braun
Meeting ID: 823 3587 5868
Dates:  Community Calendar
Time:  9 a.m. 
Location:  Council Chambers or ZOOM 
ZOOM Link:
Dial-in: +1 438 809 7799


Meeting Agendas & Minutes

Housing Committee

The District of Sicamous Housing Committee considers community perspectives on housing needs and will provide input and recommendations to Council as it works towards the development of a Housing Strategy for Sicamous. The Committee is comprised of three Council members and three community members.

Standing Committee Members Appointed by the Mayor: 

  • Councillor Malcolm Makayev
  • Councillor Siobhan Rich
  • Brenda Dalzell (Chair)
  • Tia Ciserella-Lemieux
Meeting ID: 883 4517 6361
Dates:  Community Calendar
Time:  1 p.m.
Location:  Council Chambers or ZOOM 
ZOOM Link:
Dial-in: +1 438 809 7799

Select Finance Committee

The Select Finance Committee consists of a group of meetings used for the discussion and decision-making process for the District budget. This is the basis for the development of the Five-Year Financial Plan Bylaw. which is an annual requirement for municipalities. These meetings are chaired by Councillor Bob Evans.

Meeting ID: 818 0810 2848
Dates:  Community Calendar
Time:  10 a.m. 
Location:  Council Chambers or ZOOM 
ZOOM Link:
Dial-in: +1 438 809 7799

You may attend council meetings via ZOOM to listen and observe meetings. When you join the meeting, you will enter the “Waiting Room” until you are admitted by the host. Participants do not have immediate audio permissions but will have the opportunity to comment during appropriate times. Public comment periods include:

  • Public input period,
    • Public hearings when public feedback is requested,
  • Public delegations to council (pre-registration required), and
  • When permitted by the meeting chair.

When the chair opens the floor to the public to comment, please select the "Raise Hand" option.

If you have questions regarding electronic participation, please email

New to the ZOOM Platform?

Those who are new to using this platform are encouraged to visit the ZOOM Help Center to learn how to join a meeting. You are also welcomed to contact the District of Sicamous office at 250-836-2477 or email for assistance. 

Privacy Disclaimer

District of Sicamous meetings are recorded. Your personal information, including (as applicable) your image, voice, name, opinions, and any other personal information disclosed by you during the live meeting, is collected by the District of Sicamous under section 26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the purpose of your participation in the meeting. If you have any questions about the collection of your personal information, please contact the District’s privacy coordinator by emailing or calling 250-836-5263. If you do not wish your personal information to be collected, please do not join the live meeting.

Meeting Recordings

Visit the District of Sicamous YouTube channel to view all open meeting recordings. Don't forget to subscribe to @DOSicamous!