
Housing Committee Meeting November 2, 2023

Posted On: Oct 24, 2023

Tags: Live Here , Your Municipality

The District of Sicamous Housing Committee will meet on November 2, 2023 from 1 to 3 p.m. in Council Chambers, located at 446 Main Street.

The District Housing Committee considers community perspectives on housing and provides input and recommendations to Council as the District prioritizes the development of a Housing Strategy for Sicamous. The Housing Committee meets the first Thursday of every month at 1 p.m. in Council Chambers at Municipal Hall (446 Main Street).

The standing committee is comprised of two council members and two community members who are appointed by the mayor.

Housing Committee Members:

  • Councillor Malcolm Makayev
  • Councillor Siobhan Rich
  • Brenda Dalzell (Chair)
  • Tia Ciserella-Lemieux

As per Council Procedure Bylaw No. 989, 2020all council members who are not appointed to a committee are ex-officio non-voting members of the committee and may participate in any debate.

Meeting ID: 883 4517 6361

ZOOM Link:

Meeting Dial In: +1 438 809 7799

One tap mobile: +17806660144