Kappel Street West Watermain Replacement: Project Update
Posted On: Aug 17, 2023
Tags: Discover , Featured , Live Here , Your Municipality

You never know what you'll find while digging in an old sandbox, and the Kappel Street West watermain project is happening in a VERY old sandbox. The existing watermain was installed before Sicamous was incorporated -- that's over 60 years ago!
As our crews dig deeper, they're discovering existing cracks in the old watermain.
Our confident crew and District staff are right there on-site to tackle the sandbox-surprises as they come.
Unfortunately, the discovery of existing cracks in the old watermain has resulted in two water outages for Kappel Street in the past two days. We want you to know that our crew is working hard to bring water back to the area. Hang in there and thank you for your patience!
On the bright side, the cracks we've encountered reaffirm our decision to replace the watermain. Without this project, these hidden issues would have gone undetected. This is a bumpy part of the road to a more reliable water future for Kappel Street.
Stay tuned for further updates.