Council adopts District of Sicamous Zoning Bylaw No. 1000, 2022
Posted On: Jan 13, 2023
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At the January 11 Regular Council Meeting, Council adopted the District of Sicamous Zoning Bylaw No. 1000, 2022 to replace Bylaw No. 101, 1993, which was in place for over 25 years. The newly adopted Zoning Bylaw comes after years of work on the part of District planning staff, Holland Planning Innovations and Vancouver Island University Masters of Community Planning.
In 2020, Holland Planning Innovations, in partnership with the Vancouver Island University Masters of Community Planning, delivered a draft zoning bylaw. The project was workshopped extensively, considering the input of Council, District staff and local stakeholders. Open houses and online workshops were held in 2021 and over the summer of 2022 to provide residents with the opportunity to ask questions and provide input. District planning staff used this input to further refine the document, ensuring clarity in the zones and definitions present in the drafted bylaw. The result is a robust document that will now guide the development of the community.
The general regulations found in Bylaw No. 1000, 2022 provide a comprehensive set of regulations for land and water use within the District. Each of the 23 zones identified in the bylaw offer specific rules for development and land use, including permitted principle and accessory uses, minimum parcel sizes, maximum densities and building size as well as height and setback regulations. The bylaw directs that short-term rentals are to be regulated in individual zones and throughout general regulations.