News Release: Municipal Hall Re-Opening June 1, 2020
Posted On: May 28, 2020
Tags: Featured , Your Municipality

While District Staff have been hard at work during the COVID-19 pandemic, Municipal Hall at 446 Main Street has been closed to the public since March 20, 2020. Effective June 1, 2020, Municipal Hall will be re-opened to the public with regular business hours of 8:30 am – 4:30 pm.
Adjustments to our practices to ensure the safety of our Staff and the Public include, but are not limited to:
- Access to the building will be a one-way passage. Visitors will enter from the Main Street side of the building and exit on the Finlayson Street side.
- Installation of plexiglass barriers at service counters.
- Staff will use an alternate entrance to minimize traffic through the main doors.
- Decals indicating 2m spacing will be placed on the floor.
- Guides will be in place to indicate line-up areas for service at the front counter.
- Washrooms and hand sanitization stations will be available.
- Touchpoints and washrooms will be cleaned frequently throughout the day.
Council and Committee meetings have remained opened to the public and will continue to be open. However, as our Council Chambers are quite small and we have limited seating, we ask that only those who need to attend do so. Live streaming of Council and Committee meetings will be available in the coming months so that meetings can be viewed by anyone from anywhere.
As property tax notices are being mailed out around this time, to lessen the number of people coming in and out of the building we encourage the use of e-services for both paying of your taxes and claiming your Home Owner Grant. Information on how to access these services can be found on the insert included with your tax notice, at or by contacting the Finance Department by phone or email at 250-836-2477 or
Amanda Passmore, Communications & Public Affairs Officer
District of Sicamous
T: 250-836-2477