Notice of Construction - Kerr Road Culverts Replacement
Posted On: Jul 07, 2023
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The District has received approval to replace the culverts at Owlhead Creek, crossing Kerr Road. The existing culverts are very old, showing signs of failure and need to be replaced. During peak flow events, the inlets can back up with debris creating an increased risk of localized flooding.
This is a fish bearing stream with salmon rearing habitat and it flows directly into the Eagle River. Works are limited to the defined ‘fish work window’ which is July 22 to August 31 for the Eagle River. The project will start off with some environmental prep work, fish salvage and a temporary bypass of the creek water so the construction can be done in dry conditions. Following this, a temporary bypass bridge will be constructed so that alternating single lane traffic can be maintained during the construction period. The construction timeline is condensed to reduce the time the creek diversion is in place. Environmental monitoring will take place for the duration of the work.
The project is expected to start on July 20, pending any schedule changes.
The contractor will be going door to door to neighboring properties, providing notice and key contact info. Inquiries can be directed to District Engineering Technologist, Jeromy Schuetze at or by phone 250-836-2477.