Notice of Land Disposition
Posted On: Jan 30, 2025
Tags: Live Here , Your Municipality

Per Section 26 of the Community Charter, notice is hereby given that the District of Sicamous intends to enter into a purchase and sale agreement with 1286885 B.C. Ltd. for the disposition of a portion of road dedicated on Plans 2371 and 12390, all in DL 497, KDYD in the District of Sicamous, as detailed in the subject property map. The consideration being received by the District of Sicamous for the 0.319 acres is $100,000.00 plus GST.
The land is being disposed to 1286855 B.C. Ltd., the owner of the abutting properties, 530 Main Street, legally described as Lot 2 District Lot 497 Kamloops Division Yale District Plan 2371 Except Plans B7355, 12390, 13401, H664, KAP57835, KAP63992, EPP61095, and 534 Main Street, EPP109190 AND Lot 1 District Lot 497 Kamloops Division Yale District Plan 12390, to provide access to those properties for the purpose of development.
For additional information and/or inquiries regarding the land disposition, please email