
Public Hearing: Phased Development Agreement Bylaw No. 1047 (OTB)

Posted On: Aug 17, 2023

Tags: Featured

Subdivision Map for Old Town Bay
Subdivision Map for Old Town Bay

A Public Hearing will be held on Wednesday, August 23, 2023 at 5 p.m. in council chambers (District of Sicamous Municipal Office, 446 Main Street, Sicamous, BC, V0E 2V0) to consider District of Sicamous Phased Development Agreement Bylaw No. 1047, 2023.

Under section 516 of the Local Government Act, the District of Sicamous Phased Development Agreement Bylaw No. 1047, 2023 establishes the conditions for a phased development between the District of Sicamous and SCG Investment Ltd. for the subdivision and development of District Lot 529 Kamloops Division Yale District Except Plan KAP82686 and District Lot 528 Kamloops Division Yale District Except Plans KAP77037 and KAP82686.

The agreement will secure specified zoning provisions as identified in the District of Sicamous Zoning Bylaw No. 1000, 2022 with respect to the lands and requirements under the Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw No. 500, 2003 for a term of 10 years in exchange for other considerations deemed beneficial to the District and further development of Old Town Bay.

The proposed agreement will also generally provide for:

  • Land for public purposes (i.e., park dedication of the area adjacent to the Eagle River and Eagle River Nature Trail)

  • Development of other public amenities (i.e., walkway dedication and construction along the waterfront, road C construction and public parking)

  • Roadworks improvements

  • Site servicing and infrastructure (i.e., financial contribution to water and wastewater infrastructure review)

  • Development phasing

  • Servicing for the development

Draft Bylaw & Attachments

If you believe your interest in the property is affected by the proposed bylaw, you will be afforded the opportunity to be heard at the public hearing or submit written comments. Written comments received by 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 22, 2023, will be provided to council. You may submit your comments:

  • Via email to,
  • Via regular mail to PO Box 219, Sicamous B.C., V0E 2V0, or
  • Hand delivered to 446 Main Street, Sicamous, B.C.

Please note that council is not permitted to receive submissions after the close of the public hearing. The District assumes no responsibility for correspondence received after the deadline.

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