Call for Volunteers: DOSDC Tourism Advisory Committee
Posted On: Dec 05, 2022

The District of Sicamous Development Corporation (DOSDC) is seeking interested individuals to serve on its Tourism Advisory Committee.
The mandate of the Tourism Advisory Committee (TAC) is to provide strategic advice and recommendations to the Board of the DOSDC. Specifically, the committee reviews and recommends the following:
- Five-year tourism strategy for District of Sicamous and updates thereto.
- Annual destination marketing strategy and tactics for District of Sicamous, identifying priority investments of Municipal Regional District Tax (“MRDT”) and anticipated measures of success.
- Annual review of completed investments made with MRDT funds and results achieved, including annual report to Ministry of Finance.
- Communication and advocacy strategies to build awareness of the value of the tourism industry in District of Sicamous.
Committee members will provide critical input and feedback and provide both the perspective gained from their own local business experience, and the perspective of the entire District of Sicamous destination.
The TAC Board is comprised of seven (7) members based on the following representation:
- MRDT Collectors – Accommodators (2 seats)
- Houseboat Operators (1)
- Sled Sicamous (1 seat)
- At-Large rep (1 seat)
- Chamber of Commerce (1 seat)
- District of Sicamous Development Corporation (1 seat)
Interested individuals are asked to submit a letter of interest no later than Wednesday, December 14, 2022 to Carly Procyshyn, Tourism & Economic Development Coordinator for the DOSDC.
Phone: 250-517-7641
Mailing Address: PO Box 40 Sicamous BC V0E 2V0