Your 2025 Property Assessment
Posted On: Jan 17, 2025
Tags: Live Here , Your Municipality

Your 2025 property assessment from BC Assessment should have arrived in your mailbox. If you haven't received your assessment, please visit the BC Assessment website to find your notice. The property assessments reflect the market value of your property as of July 1, 2024.
Can I appeal my property assessment?
- Property owners can appeal their property assessments. The deadline is January 31, 2025.
- To learn about the appeal process, please visit the BC Assessment website.
What is the relationship between property assessment and property taxes?
- An increase in your assessed value does not imply that your property taxes will increase.
- "The most important factor is not how much your assessed value has changed, but how your assessed value has changed relative to the average change for your property class in your municipality or taxing jurisdiction" (BC Assessment).
- Local governments and other taxing authorities are responsible for property taxation and, after determining their own budget needs this spring, will calculate property tax rates based on the assessment roll for their jurisdiction (BC Assessment).
When will we know more about 2025 property taxes?
- The District of Sicamous is preparing its five-year financial plan. This is accomplished during the select finance committee meetings that will continue until February. Once the five-year financial plan bylaw is approved by council, property taxes will be set in the form of a bylaw. The property tax bylaw must be adopted by May 15.
What if my address has changed?
- Please complete the change of address process through BC Assessment. You can access it via this link!