Candidate Profile Form

This form is for candidates for the 2022 Sicamous General Local Election.

If you are a candidate, you have the option of having a candidate profile with a photograph posted on the District's website.

Statements may be a maximum of 200 words and will not be edited or corrected. Statements in excess of 200 words will be reduced to end at the last complete sentence or phrase within the 200 word limit.

If you wish to include a photograph of yourself, upload it here.

Choose File No file chosen
The maximum total size of all files in a single form submission is 1 GB.

Consent for Disclosure of Photo

By submitting a photograph for the Candidate Profile, you are granting permission to the District of Sicamous to publish the photograph for election purposes. You must either be the sole owner of all copyrights of the photograph or have the full authority of the copyright owner(s) to grant to the District of Sicamous the rights required for this release.

Consent to Use of Information

By agreeing to the terms of use I consent to the use of the information that I have provided on this form by the District of Sicamous for the candidate profile webpage.