2023 Recreation Survey Results
Posted On: Jan 15, 2024
Tags: Featured , Live Here , Your Municipality

The District of Sicamous is committed to providing valuable recreation opportunities to the community. We surveyed to determine what kinds of recreation programs best suit the community and gather feedback on our recreation programs. The survey was open from December 1 to 31, 2023.
Here are some highlights from the survey results:
- 59 people participated.
- 66% of participants get their recreation information from recreation and event guides.
- 58% of participants are willing to pay a higher drop-in fee if they don't have to pre-register.
- 54% of participants think that District programs are affordable, while 33.9% don't know.
- 67.8% of participants would prefer to have the option to drop in or register for a full session.
- Participants said the District can improve recreation communications by:
- Advertising on radio stations
- Posting flyers around town
- Issuing bring-a-friend passes
- Dedicating a webpage to activities and events
- Creating Facebook reminders