Riverside Avenue Watermain Replacement: Water Interruptions
Posted On: Sep 25, 2024
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Update posted September 25, 2024
The scheduled water shut off for Thursday, September 26 has been postponed until next week. We will update you with the new tie-in date as soon as possible. We are happy to report that yesterday's Martin Street tie-in was very successful!
We have scheduled the next step in the Riverside Avenue watermain replacement project! Let's get residents connected to the new watermain.
To take this next step, we must schedule several water interruptions. If you experience water interruptions on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday of next week, please know it is the result of our preparation for and completion of the watermain project. Thank you for your understanding - we are looking forward to completing this project and having reliable services to offer our residents.
In preparation for the longer water shut downs on September 24 and 26, please fill up your water jugs, make sure your plants are watered and your pets have full bowls of water. If you need support preparing for the water outage, please contact the District at 250-836-2477.
Monday, September 23: Valve Testing & Tie-In Preparation
- Residents living in the Riverside Avenue area and west of the channel may experience very brief water interruptions as district staff test numerous valves in preparation for the next step in the project.
- Any interruptions in water service should only persist for a few minutes. We appreciate your understanding.
Tuesday, September 24: Tie-In Day One
- From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Tuesday, September 24, a water shut down will affect residents in the Riverside Avenue area and west of the channel.
- The water shut down will service the connection point located at Martin Street.
POSTPONED - Thursday, September 26: Tie-In Day Two
- From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Thursday, September 26, a water shut down will affect residents who live just south of Martin Street to White Pine Crescent and from Kappel Street east to Shuswap Avenue.
- The water shut down will service the connection point located at Kappel Street.
To learn more about the project, please visit the Riverside Avenue Watermain Replacement webpage.
Water Interruption Maps
If you experience water interruptions on September 23, 24 or 26, please know it is the result of our preparation for and completion of the watermain project. Refer to the maps for more information on affected areas.