Sicamous Housing Projects

Housing is essential to the health and wellness of any community.

Council has established housing as one of its strategic priority areas and is committed to measures that will help increase affordable and attainable housing options in Sicamous. This includes building relationships with housing partners and providing land for affordable and attainable housing.

February 14, 2024:

District council approved the rental housing development agreement on February 14, 2024. To view the staff report and agreement, click here. To watch the presentation and discussion, click here

WCPG Construction Ltd. will be holding a Public Information Session about the project. More information to come!

January 24, 2024: The chief administrative officer shared an update at the committee of the whole meeting regarding the long-term rental housing project proposed for 425 Main Street. 

Steps are being taken to build long-term rental housing in Sicamous.

Council was recently presented with a proposal from WCPG Construction Ltd. to build a 55-unit market rental development on Main Street with commercial space on the ground floor. In July of 2023, the District released an expression of interest that sought proposals for a housing partner leveraging District-owned land. In October of 2023, WCPG was awarded the expression of interest.

The location of the proposed housing project is 425 Main Street.

Frequently Asked Questions

This fall, the District sold land to Eagle Valley Senior Citizens Housing Society to support the construction of a four-storey, 37-unit affordable housing development for seniors in Sicamous. This project is in partnership with BC Housing. 

The District and EVSCHS entered into a purchase and sale agreement as well as a housing agreement before subdividing 417 and 425 Main Street to create two new lots - 316 Gordon Mackie Lane (0.49 ha), now owned by the EVSCHS, and 425 Main Street (0.62 ha) owned by the District. 

Eagle Valley Senior Citizens Housing Society is a not-for-profit organization that offers housing services to seniors and people living with disabilities. Three levels of housing are currently offered locally at The Haven, The Lodge and The Manor. 

You can learn more about the Society and the housing options it offers at Questions about the EVSCHS project or local housing options for seniors, please contact EVSCHS directly at 250-253-4207 or

Background Information:  

Housing Strategy 

The District of Sicamous Housing Strategy was endorsed by Sicamous Council on February 8, 2022. The strategy was developed by the Housing Committee which was established in early 2022 following completion of the Housing Needs Assessment. 

District of Sicamous Housing Strategy

Housing Needs Assessment 

In 2021, District staff worked with CitySpaces Consulting to complete a Housing Needs Assessment that evaluates the community's current housing stock and considers factors such as homelessness, secondary seasonal dwellings, and short-term rentals. 

Under provincial legislation, municipalities and regional districts are required to complete housing needs reports by April of each year. These reports will help local governments and the B.C. government better understand and respond to housing needs in communities throughout B.C.

District of Sicamous Housing Needs Assessment


The District of Sicamous housing committee considers community perspectives on housing and provides input and recommendations to council. The committee is comprised of two council members and two community members. 

Standing committee members appointed by the Mayor: 

  • Councillor Malcolm Makayev
  • Councillor Siobhan Rich
  • Brenda Dalzell (Chair)
  • Tia Ciserella-Lemieux

Committee meetings are open to the public and held in council chambers located at Municipal Hall (446 Main Street). Meetings are hosted electronically via ZOOM and are recorded. All recordings are uploaded to the District of Sicamous YouTube channel.

2023 Meeting Information:

Meeting ID: 883 4517 6361
Dates: See Calendar! (meeting quarterly in 2024)
Time:  1 p.m.
Location:  Council Chambers or ZOOM 
ZOOM Link:
Dial-in: +1 438 809 7799

View past meeting recordings!



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