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PAL Long Form Firearm Safety Course

This is a repeating event

Sunday, May 28, 2023
7:45 am - 6:00 pm
Location: Council Chambers (446 Main St)

Dates: Saturday | May 27 & 28, 2023

Time: 7:45 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Location: Council Chambers (446 Main St)

Ages: 12 +

Cost: $200 - Register by May 19! (Minimum 10 registrants required to proceed)

Possession and Acquisition Licence

We have two certified PAL instructors and coaches to offering the NON-RESTRICTED PAL course. If you want to get your PAL, you will learn everything that you need to be certified and receive all documentation required to apply for your PAL. This is for people wishing to buy, borrow or inherit rifles and shotguns.

Our classes are taught with a detailed PowerPoint presentation, demonstration, video and hands-on instruction. Class sizes are limited to 12 students per class to give you a maximum student/instructor ratio of 6:1. With these smaller classes, we are able to give you more individualized instruction to maximize your learning.

We are proud of the level of confidence and proficiency demonstrated by our students by the end of their sessions.

Plan ahead so that you will be ready. There is no such thing as an interim license. You must wait for your official one from the Government before you can acquire a firearm. Minors can take the course and receive a Minors Permit as young as 12. All materials will be supplied included equipment, books, tests and paperwork needed to conduct the course.

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